Buffalo Sabres Daily: Coaches, Team Canada, Stadium Series

Buffalo Sabres Head Coach Ted Nolan finally adds to his staff.  .

There is no surprise that Ted Nolan went with Arturs Irbe as his goalie coach.  His ties to team Latvia are strong enough that you know some of that is going to bleed over into the National Hockey League.

I am just not too sure about the move.   I mean, you had Jim Corsi – an Olympian in his own right, and the same guy who worked Ryan Miller and Dominik Hasek.

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Technically speaking a product of the Soviet Union hockey machine – the Latvian goaltender is a very well traveled goaltender – having played for fifteen teams across ten leagues, and then coaching for four teams across three leagues.

A goalie coach is a goalie coach, in my opinion.  Stanley Cups are not won or lost and everyone looks at the goalie coach.  But with a crop of relative unknowns in the net, Jim Corsi might have been your better bet.

Buffalo Sabres not the only rebuild Sam Reinhart is a part of.  .

It isn’t a given that Sam Reinhart will be on the roster for the Buffalo Sabres – he could still end up in juniors.  But there is a sense of urgency to return Team Canada to a winning state for the U20 team as guys like Aaron Ekblad, Sam Reinhart and 2015 draft hopeful Connor McDavid.

“None of us, I think, have earned the right to say we deserve a spot again.” –Aaron Ekblad


Can Team Canada regain some sort of power again on the international stage?  Canada has not won in the U20 tournament since 2009 – they got the bronze in 2012.  The loss in 2010 and their absence from the podium is not something that sites well, given their wins in 05,06,07,08 and 09.  In fact that was their second five consecutive gold medal streak, no other nation can boast that many.

It seems they win them in bunches, but right now team Canada is not happy not winning at all.

Could California get a second round of Stadium Series games in 2015? .

No outdoor games have been announced for next season outside of the Washington Capitals getting a Winter Classic – but the success of the Stadium Series should have the NHL drooling for more revenue.

Outdoor games have become the new gimmick, replacing shootouts as the thing the NHL does.  Even fringe fans of the sport get excited when their city gets an outdoor game, because, well it used to be something new.

The NHL, much like its bigger brothers in the professional sports industry – are cash cows, their fans will buy anything you put their favorite teams logo on.  How many of you own more than one jersey, from more than one era? Point taken right?  The NHL has proven it can put an outdoor game whenever and where-ever it wants.  Its time to start spreading the love around the league and getting all teams involved in the process.

EA Sports releases NHL 15 goaltender rankings.  .  

This is as exciting in the hockey world if you track the publication of the game, just as much as Madden releases are tracked in football.

Claude Loiselle to take over Dept. of Player Safety.  .

He has been out of the game longer than Brendan Shanahan – but still connected to the Toronto Maple Leafs as recently as last season.  While the rulings be any fairer or less impartial?

Moreover – the league needs to bring about standardization to a process that is largely considered laughable among teams and fans alike.