Buffalo Sabres Tim Murray Approach Trade Deadline

With the NHL trade deadline approaching ever so slowing, or quickly depending on how you look at it, the has been little if any news regarding any type of trades that are even being thought of at the moment.  The NHL trade deadline is set for March 2nd, at 3 PM so we are looking at just over a month to go, a handful of games.

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Tim Murray, has stated that it is surprisingly quiet this year, that no one is even out getting their feelers on.

“It’s been quiet, to be frank. It’s been very, very quiet. We’re fairly close to the deadline and I didn’t expect it,” Murray told Buffalo radio station WGR 550 Wednesday. “I don’t expect every team to be active, but there usually are a small amount of teams that don’t wait for the deadline, that like to get it done before the deadline…It has, to me, been surprisingly quiet. People aren’t even kicking tires.”– Tim Murray, WGR 550

Murray has already stated that he will not be letting players just go for nothing, which does give a little bit of hope to this fan.  Although you do have to wonder, as it gets closer to the trade deadline, how persistent will Murray be to keep the best price out their philosophy going, or will it get to a point, that what is offered, is less than what the trade is really worth? Sometimes you just have to pull the plug.

“It’s easy to talk about trading players in fantasy hockey (but) these guys are men. These guys have families. It’s hard on them,” Murray explained. “I read every day I’m trading Tyler Myers, I’m trading this guy, that guy…There are a lot of rumours out there that are completely unfounded…“I think other teams know exactly where I stand. We have to get better and our better is not today. Our better is in the future, so I think they know that I’m ready to listen and be a trade partner if that makes sense. In saying that, though, the amount of rumours that have been out there are probably about 50 times more than the conversations I’ve had.”– Tim Murray, WGR 550

So what is the likelihood that the Buffalo Sabres and Time Murray make a deal this year?  They are sitting with 3 first round picks, some decent prospects and players on their current roster, that are able to be moved, and could possibly help out another team in the process.  Does it happen? I think if Tim Murray does do anything at this point, even by the day of the deadline, I don’t think that it will be a major blockbuster trade, but could be for additional draft picks, or prospects that are just a little away from starting in this league.

Tim Murray is not looking at this year, but next year to be that contender we are all so hoping for in Buffalo.  With the right type of trade, the Sabres could be in the mix next year and in two years a playoff birth might just be what the doctor has ordered.

Our faith is with you Tim Murray.

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