Buffalo Sabres Fan Chatter #56 Toronto Maple Leafs

The Buffalo Sabres take on the Toronto Maple Leafs tonight at the Air Canada Centre, and here is your chance to take on your fellow Buffalo Sabres fans for the right to, well brag that you can look into your hockey crystal ball and predict what is going to happen during the hockey game.

Congrats to Allen who picked up a victory on Saturday for the Washington Capitals game.  Here are your standings so far:

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If you haven’t gotten in on the action yet, there is still plenty of time, in fact we are going to extend the fan chatter into the playoffs (simple predictions) and give you even more chances to win a SabreNoise T-Shirt to rep not only your favorite team the Buffalo Sabres, but your favorite blog, us!

And so without further gilding the lily and with no more ado, I give to you, tonight’s fan chatter selections:

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Pick #1 Buffalo Sabres Goal Scorers

Pick three Buffalo Sabres whom you think will get a goal tonight.  Fifteen points per goal.  If they score a PPG or SH goal, then its 25 points.

If you don’t think the Buffalo Sabres will score any goals, then tell me shutout, and if you guess correctly, 50 points to you.

Pick #2 Buffalo Sabres Hit Leader

Who will be the Buffalo Sabres player leading the charge for the Carubba Collision of the game?  Give me the player you will think gets the most hits credited to him by the wonderful statistics guys.

Pick #3 The Dano Special

How many fights in tonight’s game?  If you think that the rivalry between the Buffalo Sabres and Toronto Maple Leafs still exists, then you have to think the only thing worth playing for tonight is bragging rights between the two cities.  50 points if you get it right.

Pick #4 Save Percentage – Anders Lindback

If Hockey Hotline with Kevin Sylvester is right, then Anders Lindback will be getting the start for the team tonight, give me his save percentage for the game.  Closest to the actual save percentage gets 25 points.  Bonus 10 points if you guess it spot on.

Pick #5 Blocked Shots

How many blocked shots for both teams.  25 points for the closest, Bonus 25 points if you get it spot on.

Pick #6 Out of Town Scoreboard

Only two other games tonight, the New York Rangers vs the Washington Capitals and the Anaheim Ducks vs Calgary Flames.  For each game give me the total number of goals scored for the game (two numbers here, don’t combine them).  10 points for each game if you get it right.

Next: Buffalo Sabres Weekly Three Stars

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