The Buffalo Sabres have more than a few building blocks under 25 as one of the league’s youngest teams. Here is one bold prediction for each.
Fans of the Buffalo Sabres have got to be excited regarding this team’s direction. And with seven players under 25 projected to be full or at least part-time members of the roster, we have plenty to cover.
Three players listed also had a projection on my Predictions for 28 Prospects article, so those respective names get a second bold prediction today. Further, you will not see any player slated to spend most of their time as a prospect this season, so names like Jiri Kulich, Isak Rosen, Ukko-Pekka Luukkonen, and Kale Clague will not be listed. With that said, let’s get started.

Player #1 – Owen Power scores at least 40 for the Buffalo Sabres
For my 28 Predictions piece, I had Power slated to score at least 35 points. However, I also admitted that, although a bold prediction, I was also being conservative. Here, let’s expand on that projection and say he hits the higher mark: 15 goals and 25 assists, good for 40 points.
Power also showed outstanding potential during his eight-game stretch, however, so it’s also realistic to go even bolder and predict a bigger leap than many expect in 2022-23. Therefore, it wouldn’t surprise me if he scored as many as 50 points – 20 goals, 30 assists.
As with all rookies, I’m also expecting growing pains from Power. So although it’s easy to see him scoring in the 40 to 50-point range, with 35 acting as the lower deviation and 55, the higher, look for the bulk of his points to come as the season progresses, mainly from January to April 2023.